We Value...
Curiosity... as the first step in deep learning and innovative thinking.
Creativity... as an authentic and entrepreneurial expression of self in relation to problem-solving.
Respect... for ourselves, others, and the earth as a fundamental commitment to how we live our lives.
Kindness... as the well-spring for our shared sense of belonging.
Pluralism... so we are open to, respect, and engage with diversity of thoughts, feelings, and people.
Humility... in order to open ourselves to life-long learning and grow as human beings.
Integrity... living every day with honesty and strong moral principles.
Joy... as an inner feeling that celebrates personal success, well-being, and beautiful moments.
Excellence... as the outcome of giving our best every day.
Resiliency…through the hard work of learning to endure challenges and become stronger.
STS inspires compassionate, curious, and creative global citizens who lead with courage.
A diverse community where students pursue lives of purpose, flourishing emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
School Motto
Nil nisi optimum:
Nothing but our best
Goal Pillars
Bold Future
Ensure the enduring strength and permanence of STS with a focus on financial health and resiliency.
Drive sustainable financial growth and independence.
Increase opportunities for exceptional students to attend STS through affordable tuition, financial assistance, and a healthy endowment.
Pursue a commitment to excellence in all aspects of the School’s operations: academics, co-curricular programs, well-being, business functions, operational efficiencies, safety and risk management, social enterprise, and environmental sustainability.
Deep Learning & Engagement
Focus on human-centred design thinking, character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, service through action, computation, critical thinking, and leadership to achieve academic excellence and promote scholarship within the IB Framework and through the Alberta Program of Studies.
Students will embrace and nurture their entrepreneurial spirit, gain comfort with ambiguity and agency, and learn from failure as change agents in a safe environment.
Offer experiential, real-world, life-changing learning opportunities where students engage deeply alongside exceptional faculty and staff.
Enduring Sense of Community & Belonging
Anchor the STS student experience to our 220-acre campus and natural surroundings. Ensure facilities and outdoor spaces create a connected, collaborative, reflective, and engaging learning environment.
Commit to a thriving, joyful, inclusive, and diverse community of belonging and well-being. Connecting through meaningful relationships is integral to authentic learning.
Celebrate our history and 50 years on our beautiful campus by focusing on our connected and extended community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and strategic partners.
Global Hub in a Natural Setting
Harness the power of digital technologies to provide the tools, skills, framework, and capacity to transform education through the creation of an innovation hub system.
Expand and create opportunities for STS students, faculty, and staff on and beyond our campus, in satellite locations, and through international travel, experiential learning and the development of partnerships. Learn any time, any place.
As a leader in education, STS supports exceptional students, faculty, and staff to be well prepared to work and lead in a new economy.
Commitment to You
We look forward to working with all members of our STS Community to bring the strategic vision outlined in Flourish 2031 to fruition.

Our STS Guiding Principles will act as our compass:
Inspire Leaders…
STS offers a collaborative learning environment that empowers students to develop critical and independent thinking skills while exploring a challenging and balanced curriculum built on foundational core knowledge.
Embrace Possibility…
By effectively integrating the latest technology and learning methods into the classroom, we can help students be better prepared for a constantly changing world.
See the World as our Classroom…
We believe in offering our students a comprehensive array of authentic, real-world experiences that reflect and support our classroom curriculum on a global scale.
Nourish Mind, Body, and Soul…
We promote fitness, health, and well-being through academic, athletic, outdoor, and artistic pursuits
Foster Community…
We view the health and safety of our students as paramount, and this begins with fostering strong interpersonal relationships between parents, students, faculty, staff, and alumni in a welcoming and nurturing environment.
Be Good Humans…
We focus on how we can give back to the world and our fellow global citizens; we strive to live lives of purpose and be our best selves.
Honour Our Legacy…
We treasure our School’s history, strong sense of community, and diversity, and strive to uphold our founding values.