Goal Pillar:

Bold Future

In a rapidly changing world with ever-increasing choice, Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School will strike a bold path to ensure a sustainable future.

Strategic Priorities


Ensure the enduring strength and permanence of STS with a focus on financial health and resiliency. 


Drive sustainable financial growth and independence.


Increase opportunities for exceptional students to attend STS through affordable tuition, financial assistance, and a healthy endowment.


Pursue a commitment to excellence in all aspects of the School’s operations: academics, co-curricular programs, well-being, business functions, operational efficiencies, safety and risk management, social enterprise, and environmental sustainability.

Future-Forward Initiatives

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Build a Strategy

Build a tangible strategy focused on appreciation and understanding of our connection to nature at STS, and how it relates to our collective role in stewarding and creating a sustainable future. 

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Develop a Design

Develop a state-of-the-art design and innovation “think tank” facility.

Investigate Viability

Investigate the viability of building a Centre for Excellence in Teaching, and a student residency/summer conference facility. 

Strengthen School

Strengthen the School’s partnership with the Foundation and develop an endowment growth model to expand accessibility to exceptional students and continue to develop our campus.